Americans have grown increasingly concerned about their diets, so it’s no surprise that they are taking more and more interest in the foods they eat. But when it comes to organic food, many people think the price is too high, or their local grocery store doesn’t offer them.

If you’re thinking about increasing your organic food consumption, you may be wondering why. Most Americans are already eating less than 40% organic. If you’re one of the people who has not increased their consumption, then you’re missing out on the benefits of organic food.

When it comes to eating organic, we all have our reasons. Some of us like the taste better and don’t care about the price. Others don’t want pesticides and GMOs and prefer buying organic. But what about health benefits?

There’s a lot of talk about how we need to eat more organic food. But is eating organic better for our bodies than eating conventional food? Or maybe, there’s another reason people say we should eat more organic food. Perhaps they’re trying to convince us that organic food is healthier than conventional food by arguing that organic food is better for the environment.

Organic Food

How to eat healthier

There’s no doubt that organic food is a step up from conventional food regarding nutrition. For instance, organic fruits and vegetables are higher in vitamins and minerals. However, organic food costs are also much higher than traditional food. So, if you’re looking to eat healthier, here are a few tips on how to eat healthier without spending a fortune on organic foods.

1. Buy a membership to a local farmers’ market.

2. Avoid processed food.

3. Shop at your local grocery store.

4. Look for a “dirty dozen” list.

5. Use a “Clean 15” list.

6. Buy organic eggs.

7. Buy organic milk.

8. Buy organic bread.

9. Buy organic frozen food.

10. Buy organic canned food.

What is organic food?

Organic food has not been exposed to chemical pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms. Organic food is also grown without herbicides, insecticides, or sewage sludge. Many organic foods are produced on small farms, which is why they can be more expensive than conventional food. But they are also more nutritious and better for the environment.

Food waste in America

If you live in America, you know how wasteful we are. We throw away tons of food and money every year, and that’s a problem. We throw away almost half of our fruits and vegetables and up to 90% of our meat. As a result, we spend $165 billion a year on food that is never eaten. But, as many of you know, this is not only wasteful, it’s dangerous.

A study from the University of Minnesota found that the amount of arsenic, lead, and mercury in our food is now more than double the World Health Organization’s recommended limits. So, if you want to start reducing your food waste and saving money simultaneously, you should try changing your diet.

Organic food consumption in America

According to the Environmental Working Group, over 40% of the American population doesn’t consume organic foods. However, that number has been rising steadily, and if it continues to increase at the same rate, then by 2025, over 70% of Americans will be consuming organic food. While that is a promising statistic, we still have a long way to go. One of the major barriers to organic food consumption is price.

The average grocery bill is about $450 per month, so organic food is much more expensive than traditional food. Even if you have an abundance of money, you probably won’t be able to buy a ton of organic food just because it’s a luxury item.

Learn how to cook healthier foods

While you can’t eat a pesticide-free, genetically modified apple from an organic farm, you can eat a healthier version. And it won’t cost you any more. A study published by the University of California, Davis, shows that organic produce is more nutritious than conventional produce. Organic fruits and vegetables have higher levels of antioxidants and vitamins.

They also have a better nutrient balance, with less protein and fat, more fiber, and lower sodium. Cooking organic foods is easier. Unlike the organic versions of many processed foods, you can use organic versions of most ingredients in your kitchen. Organic produce is better for you and easier to cook, making it a win-win for your health and budget.

Frequently Asked Questions Organic Food

Q: Where are some of the best places to find organic foods in the U.S.?

A: There are a few really good places to buy organic food in the U.S. If you have a local farmer’s market, then this is great. Most farmer’s markets have different organic vendors. Another great place to buy organic food is Whole Foods Market. I recommend going to the produce section or the bulk section because it’s much cheaper than buying it from the regular grocery store.

Q: How can you eat more organic food if you don’t have much extra money?

A: You can eat as much organic food as you want. Just make sure you know where to look.

Q: What do you think can be done to change this?

A: Educating people on how safe organic foods are and how they make us feel better. Also, we must ensure our schools teach students the benefits of eating organic foods.

Top 3 Myths About Organic Food

1. Organic food is more expensive than regular food.

2. Organic food is not available at most grocery stores.

3. Organic food does not provide enough nutrition for a healthy diet.


One of the best things you can do for yourself is to eat organic food. The benefits of eating organic food are well documented. They include a healthier body, less risk of disease, and a better environment for future generations. However, it can be challenging to eat organic every day. One of the reasons I’m writing this article is to share my tips and tricks to increase organic food consumption in America.


I love writing, traveling, and creating original content, which is why I love the fashion world. It's not about trends or following the "what's hot" list, it's about creating content that people are actually excited to read.